Monday, April 14, 2008

Trouble Listening

A couple of weeks ago I posted the following as the "Refrigerator Verse of the Day" on my personal blog:

Hebrews 5:11 (NLT) - "There is much more we would like to say about this, but it is difficult to explain, especially since you are spiritually dull and don’t seem to listen."

Obviously (I hope), I meant it to be funny that one might put that on their refrigerator as an inspirational verse, but I really posted it because that morning, I felt like God was speaking to me in a gentle reprimand about how long I've known Him versus how spiritually mature I am. I'm a world-class procrastinator, late to bed, and late to rise (aside: consequently, I'm not always healthy, and I'm still working on the wealthy, and I guess I'll leave the "wise" to be determined by the reader). Therefore, it has taken me a relatively long time to develop a daily habit of spending time alone with God (reading the Bible, praying, and listening). Now that I've finally gotten to the point where I've made this a daily commitment, I can't believe how long I did without it. I can't believe HOW I did without it. I crave this time, and if I don't get it, it's so much harder to get motivated about anything else. On the other hand, when I do get this time, I feel much more peaceful when I head out the door for work.

All that to say, if you've committed your life to Christ, and especially if you're serving in the church in any capacity, I would really encourage you to spend time alone with God every morning. The more time I spend with him, the more passion I feel about serving him and serving the folks that go to our church.

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