Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Constructive Thoughts

There is a really good discussion going on over at Tony's blog about 2 Peter 1:1-9. Even if you didn't sign up for the daily devotionals on growing stronger, I highly recommend that you check it out. The first devotional and discussion is right here.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Fusioneer of the Week

For the record, whoever thought of getting the enormous umbrellas and walking people to their cars after the service is a GENIUS! Thank you to Scott Stewart and Richard Campbell (the 2 that I saw) and whoever else braved the rain for the sake of all our members, attenders, and visitors. AWESOME! And whoever thought it up, you're the unofficial OFFICIAL FUSIONEER OF THE WEEK, with all the perks and benefits thereto ascribed. Enjoy your week!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Blueprints for the Waiting Room

Today's message was Part 2 of the Under Construction series, entitled Ready and Waiting:

Godly waiting is active, not just sitting and wishing. The steps that follow are What to Do When You're on Hold.
  1. Trust God's Power
    • Abraham believed God could
      1. bring things back from the dead, and
      2. create things which didn't exist before
    • God's power covers everything.
    • ACTION STEP: BELIEVE - At a bare minimum, say "God could do it."
  2. Trust God's Promises
    • Move from "God is able" to "God is willing."
    • "I see I can't BUT God said he would."
    • Get a promise from God's Word and cling to it.
    • It's not "I don't have time to read the Bible." It is "Bible reading is not a priority for me."
    • In these difficult days, Bible reading MUST become a priority, so that we'll know what promises there are for us.
    • God's Word keeps you off the "flaky" side.
    • Always free to be yourself in the "prayer closet," but go in there with a promise!
    • ACTION STEP: CLAIM - claim a promise from God
  3. Trust God's Plan
    • God doesn't say to ignore the facts; he says to look at the facts, then look beyond them
    • God's plan is bigger than your situation, e.g. God is bigger than the economy.
    • You may not come out pretty, but you will come out
    • Don't tell God what can't be done
    • If you're not active, you're not waiting on God; he's waiting on you.
    • Persist = keep trying, Exist = sitting around
    • Keep planting the seed - act in faith
      • if you have money issues - keep giving in faith, buy lunch for someone in need, help someone else
      • don't give up, trust that God will take care of you
  4. Trust God's Process
    • Thank God in advance for what's coming
    • As you thank Him, your faith grows stronger.
    • Thanking God in advance is often the key to a breakthrough
    • Thank Him verbally, musically, any way you can
    • Jesus said, "everything you ask and pray for, believe that you have it already." - Mark 11:24 (NJB)
    • While waiting, the enemy will try to discourage you. The worse it comes, the more you praise God.
    • "Thank you that you are going to..."
    • ACTION STEP: THANK (in advance)
Where to begin claiming: Isaiah 41:10